Monday, December 13, 2010


So i went through a phase....
I hated everything blog for the last little bit, not sure why so don't ask.
I think i'll give it another shot...........
So anyways not much going on lately just got done with school, and now i have nothing to do but watch tv and get fatter by the minute. I am excited for Christmas though!! I love love love it! All i want for Christmas is the new Nook Color its freaking Sweet! Im not one of those people that wants no gifts and only wants to give them... nope not me i gotta have that nook!
Tyler is going into the police academy... not so sure how i feel about it yet but he's excited so thats good! Cloee comes home on Thursday so that should be great!! Oh and Tyler and I decided to get Netflix and it's my new favorite thing ever I can watch as many friends episodes as I want including the one where one gets ready which is my favorite episode ever!! Just a few lines...
"you were gonna drink the fat!"
"What gets out hummus?"
"If he did call what is he trying to say?"
"Could i be wearing anymore clothes?"
" Im just going to check up on my correspondents"
" Its called get out of the chair"

Um anyways thats about all that goes on in my life glad to be back on the blogging scene!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


School is out and i have my life back again folks! Im so excited that i will finally have time to blog again! I have several things to post about but im at work without a camera so that will come later! Today I just want to say that I LOVE MY FAMILY!! Without them seriously i would lose my mind! Some reasons I love my family...

1. They take me as I am... ornery, happy, sad, depressed, out of control... you name it they love me!
2. My mom and dad let me eat all their food whenever i want. My mom hangs out with me like everyday and i freaking love it and i miss her bad if i don't see her. My dad is awesome and helps me out in anyway he can always even if he is busy!! My parents are the best ones out there... i don't care who ya are!
3. Cloee chats with me about things that are totally pointless, but still hilarious and always makes me feel better when im down!
4. Katie is a life savor and is like my second mom always making sure the fam is takin care of and always loving and cares about everyone
5. Lukey is my brother and he always invites us out to eat on the nights we have nothing to do, and he is mr strong man of course... and would kick anyones butt for me ;)
6. Kenz is awesome fits in just like a new sister should and makes me laugh and always has diet coke to give me ha ha (I love that she is addicted just like a Colohan)
7. Matt is my favorite brother in law... and my only brother in law!! He pretty much is hilarious and always lends a helping hand whenever we need it
8. Striker oh what can i say about this little boy... if you catch him at the right moment he really can be the sweetest boy alive, and he always loves to snuggle with me and watch a good movie!
9. Little Cruw Poo Probably the happiest baby alive and no matter how im feeling or how bad i just bombed a test he always brightens up my day just by flashin me one of those great big smiles
10. Hubs... what can i say i married him so i must love him :) He basically is the glue that holds me together im so happy that we've been married a year and i can't wait for many great years to come!

Basically my family is awesome and I love them so much!! Thanks family for helping me get through this rough and long, but now over semester!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


M: Man of my dreams
Y: Yes to whatever my heart desires

V: Very Handsome
A: Always there
L: Loving
E: Eternally mine
N: Naughty :) and Nice
T: Tight bum... my favorite body part :)
I: Imagination
N: Never wrong... unless im right
E: Exciting Adventures
I just wanted to give a little shout out to my amazing husband and let him know how much i love him, and how happy i am that he gets to be my valentine forever! I LOVE YOU snuggle bear :)