I hated everything blog for the last little bit, not sure why so don't ask.
I think i'll give it another shot...........
So anyways not much going on lately just got done with school, and now i have nothing to do but watch tv and get fatter by the minute. I am excited for Christmas though!! I love love love it! All i want for Christmas is the new Nook Color its freaking Sweet! Im not one of those people that wants no gifts and only wants to give them... nope not me i gotta have that nook!
Tyler is going into the police academy... not so sure how i feel about it yet but he's excited so thats good! Cloee comes home on Thursday so that should be great!! Oh and Tyler and I decided to get Netflix and it's my new favorite thing ever I can watch as many friends episodes as I want including the one where one gets ready which is my favorite episode ever!! Just a few lines..."you were gonna drink the fat!"
"What gets out hummus?"
"If he did call what is he trying to say?"
"Could i be wearing anymore clothes?"
" Im just going to check up on my correspondents"
" Its called get out of the chair"
Um anyways thats about all that goes on in my life glad to be back on the blogging scene!
Yay! I love when you update! Your blogs always make me laugh or smile! Love ya girl and can't wait for our date night!
You finally update your blog!!! Glad to hear you guys are doing good and enjoying life.
Yay camie!! I should probably get back into the blogging scence also one of these days!! I hope you get your nook!! Love ya!!
yooooooooooo! Whats up girl, i missed these blog updates! I am so happy that we are all blogging again! See you soon for our fun date night that needs planned!!!!
Yay about time you started blogging again!!
Glad you are back! I miss hearing about you since this is basically the only thing that keeps me in contact with you!
Tami it ahs been a month and alot has gone on with you so either you have failed the blogging world or you are super busy, time to let the world know whats going on:)
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