Monday, December 13, 2010


So i went through a phase....
I hated everything blog for the last little bit, not sure why so don't ask.
I think i'll give it another shot...........
So anyways not much going on lately just got done with school, and now i have nothing to do but watch tv and get fatter by the minute. I am excited for Christmas though!! I love love love it! All i want for Christmas is the new Nook Color its freaking Sweet! Im not one of those people that wants no gifts and only wants to give them... nope not me i gotta have that nook!
Tyler is going into the police academy... not so sure how i feel about it yet but he's excited so thats good! Cloee comes home on Thursday so that should be great!! Oh and Tyler and I decided to get Netflix and it's my new favorite thing ever I can watch as many friends episodes as I want including the one where one gets ready which is my favorite episode ever!! Just a few lines...
"you were gonna drink the fat!"
"What gets out hummus?"
"If he did call what is he trying to say?"
"Could i be wearing anymore clothes?"
" Im just going to check up on my correspondents"
" Its called get out of the chair"

Um anyways thats about all that goes on in my life glad to be back on the blogging scene!