Jenessa tagged me.
6 unspectacular quirks about myself....
1. Well first of all i hate everything to do with these kinds of games. I hate thinking of answers i hate reading everyone esles (no offense), and i hate these games completely. Im not sure i've told anyone this or not but these games drive me crazy! I never do them so im sure somebody has figured that out by let me explain before i get my head bitten off. No wait i can't explain it i just flat out hate all of these games, but im doing this one so get off my back.
2. I'm wierdly afraid of the dark. No i do not sleep with a night light and yes i do need complete darkness to sleep so how am i afraid you ask??? Well when i come home late at night all alone and everyone is in bed i turn on the lights in the kitchen. After those lights are on i run down to my bathroom and turn on that light and run back upstairs and turn off the kitchen light. Then when im done in the bathroom i turn on the light in the hall and then the bathroom light off. And finally i turn on my room light and turn the hall light off. Wait i missed one... i actually turn on the lamp next to my bed before i'll turn off the light in my room. I just do not like to walk in the dark it totally freaks me out and even will sometimes look under my bed before i go to sleep! Oh my thats embarassing.
3. hmmm im not sure if this counts but it drives me crazy. So i constantly get hit on by boys around the age of 14 or 15 and yes i am 20. I don't know what the deal is if i just look younger then i am or what, but i feel like im constantly explaining to people that im not interested in that kinda thing. I know that Tyler may look young but i assure everyone that he is 20 as well and actually older then i am. Maybe these boys just want a ride or a mighty kids meal (that was for you jamie) i dunno but it drives me insane!!!
4. Something my family seems to think one of my quirks is that i make the ugliest faces known to man. I never notice but i guess i have a different face for every occasion...whether im whiny, mad, sad, out of control, or just plain bored i make a face i guess. When these faces are shown to me by others im truly horrified they are not too flattering faces! Wow im possible of making my face contort into extreme ugliness. I have tried not to make these faces, but i guess they just seem to come out!! And the weird thing is when im trying to make one of these faces it's totally unsuccesful, i guess i have to be in a mood or something?
5. Ok i admit it I probably am on of the worst mummblers in the entire world. I really hear myself cearly but i guess i tend to slur my words together. I'm told that it gets real bad when im tired... who wants to talk when their tired anyway? I dunno i guess sometimes i just get sick of talking or something and by the end of the story im not coherent anymore. Me and my brother have actually made up or own language with mumble it's quite endearing.
6. I like to drive extremely fast? Can that count im having a hard time coming up with another one. I don't know if this is considered unspectacular because i love it. I drive fast where ever i go. I dunno why but i can't even force myself to slow down if im going to be extremely early. I get road rage real easy and can't stand to go just the speed limit. It's ok only to go a little over right? I ususally only do this if im alone so i don't scare people but i love it! I really want a car that will drive real fast like a mustang or something!!! One day one day