Friday, December 18, 2009
The Funk...
1. I have no fun pictures to post
2. School keeps me way to busy to update (this used to work)
3. I don't want people to be jealous of all the awesome things i do like for instance... bowling a 125, making spaghetti for dinner at least three times a week, or going to the tanning bed and frying my buns of steel off
4. My feet hurt too bad
5. I have to wash my hair
6. My house is a disaster (that doesn't mean i'll clean my house though either)
7. Im too mentally tired after work to sit on the computer at night
8. Im tired
9. My butt hurts
10. My face hurts
11. My teeth hurt
12. I didn't sleep good last night
13. My blog haunts me
14. Im afraid of the dark
15. etc...
So as you can see i have no time or energy to put any effort into my blog these days. One day i know it'll come back to me though :) Encouragements are highly advised and accepted!! OH and Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wonderful Weekend
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
1. Go to work and help the orneriest, stinkiest, most annoying mbr on the planet!
2. Fast for two days straight (no food, water, or diet coke)
3. Go to walmart every saturday during the middle of the day for the rest of my life.
4. Do laundry constantly
5. Get a cat... seriously a cat that is pretty bad right? first of all im extreme allergic to them and second of all they have to be one of the stupidest animals on the planet!
6. Change Strikers poopy pants... he's into unders now by the way so its pretty gross
7. Pick up chewed gum on the road and put it in my mouth and start chewing
8. Eat ten tomatoes
9. Have diahrrea for 5 days straight ( really if you think about this one it wouldn't be too bad because i would lose weight and most likely get to miss work)
10. And this one im considering but cant decide if i would really go through with it but i am contemplating chopping of my pinky toe? Do you need that one anyways?
And there you have it people that is how much I seriously hate school... am i the only one out there?
Thursday, August 20, 2009
My Weekend With LO lo!! Oh and the Zoo of course!
Gettin a littl crazy in the car!
Catchin some rays at the pool!
Then last week my mom, katie, striker, cruw, and me all decided we would have a fun filled day at the zoo! It was so much fun I love seein all the animals and we were having a blast until my flip flop broke? What the heck are you serious? How does something like that happen at the zoo of all places? Well it did... just some advice always carry an extra pair of shoes (oh and gum and bobby pins will not fix a broken flip flop)! Katie just thought it was sooooo hilarious!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
1. Laundry baskets should be made without lids... really can you not open the lid and put your clothes inside???
2. Fighting naked doesn't work!
3. You are going to gain weight there is no stopping it so just get over it...
4. I can't cook.
5. Playing house without money isn't as fun as with barbie dolls :)
6. Going to church is a difficult task... sleeping in is so much easier (yes i know my church is at eleven but i love to sleep and the devils my advocate)
7. Being a grown up is tough work
8. Im still at my moms and sisters more then im at my own house.
9. Babies are everywhere staring me in the face saying "have one of me im so cute and chubby!!" (good thing my sister lets me babysitt birth control whenever i want even though Cruw is the best baby in the world Striker does wonders for me!)
10. I love my Husband so much words cannot describe, but if he gets up and turns the ac off in the middle of the night one more time and i have to sweat to death there could be a warrant out for my arrest!!
11. I miss seeing clo everyday
12. G's make you extra hot in the summer
13. Just to let you guys out there know this quote "it's easier to beg for forgiveness then to ask for permission" is a myth ASK FIRST!! (my wonderful brother in law gave that advice to my husband and boy oh boy has he paid for it :))
14. I feel like i do laundry more then i ever have before its like my laundry basket is throwing up clothes that don't really even look dirty (Do any of you know where i can get i giant laundry basket?)
15. AND last but not least i really do love being married and i really do love my husband and im so glad i get to be with him for the rest of my life he's the greatest!!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I had so much fun on my birthday and i want to thank my fam and friends for all the birthday wishes and goodies i got some GREEEAAATTT presents :)!! ALso I just want to throw out that my BFFS Jamie and Jodie also turned 21 on the twentieth and i love them and now we can start drinking and running from the law he he he!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
New Hair
Monday, May 11, 2009
Cruw Kevin Hartshorn
Also I just want to give a shout out to all the mothers out there for mothers day!! My moms the best in the whole world and i just want to say that i love her so much and shes the best example i'll ever have of being an awesome mom!! And Katie is runner up right next to her you should see her handle her little boys no one could do it better i've learned so much from her she is such a good mom and im so glad i'll have two great moms to help me out when i start my family!! Really nothing can replace a mom/best friend/comforter!! I LOVE YOU MOM!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Mrs. WInslow...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Ok so in other news planning is going great ( if it's at all possible to ever call it that) I have all the big things taken care of its just all those tiny little things that just love to slip right out of my mind!! So im going to give everyone some advice that hasn't planned their wedding yet (unlike my friends who led me to believe that it was a fun and exciting process). First of all by a bottle of midol because planning creates all forms of mood swings even if its not that time of the month. 2nd make a giant list of things that need to be done and check them off as you go, that way you don't forget the small things. 3rd write everyone in your family and your fiance an apology letter stating how in the next few months you apologize for any crazy and erratic behavior in advance this way when your really ticked off you don't have to worry about unsincere apologies! 4th if the doctor will give you any strong medications (and im talkin like valium and oxy cotton people) take it... you'll feel tons better! 5th when your upset or angry the best thing i can tell you to do is just yell at everyone in sight it feels good and if they know your planning a wedding (hense the letter you already gave them) they will forgive you... or just laugh! 6th don't procrastinate, when you think of something that needs to be done do it or else you'll forget (weddings mess with your memory system i swear)! 7th dads cannot resist puppy eyes and sad daughters, don't take advantage of it! 8th Moms are irreplaceable so thank them every chance you get and let them know how much you love them! 9th Dad is paying for it make sure to thank him as well!! 10th Try to enjoy it even though its pretty much impossible... you won't ever have a chance to plan a wedding again :) that is if you make it through the first one!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
What do we have for him Johnny......
Friday, January 23, 2009
I've been shot...oops i mean tagged!
1. Camie
2. Mammi
3. Camay
4. Camsa
1. My wedding ring
2. My AFCU name tag
3. Sexy grannie panties (ha ha you wish)
1. Tyler (yes you read that right)
2. Lunch im starved
1. Your mom
2. Jamie did
3. Amazingly so did i
1. Played dodgeball (even though someone told me the wrong time.... i wont mention any names CLOEE):)
2. Hugged Tyler
3. Read my scriptures
1. Granola bar (I was running late)
2. Cinammon Roll
3. Gum? but im chewing that?
4. My fingers soon cause im starving!
1. Tyler :)
2. Cloee
1. Sleep in
2. Work out (thats if i can force myself to the gym)
3. Eat (I'm still hungry!!)
4. Get tux and shirt measurments
5. Twidle my thumbs
6. Take a shower... maybe :)
1. Diet dr. pepper
2. Diet Coke
3. Cran raspberry ocean spray
1. My fiance!
2. My family (planning a wedding is stressful and my mom is the best!)
3. The gospel
4. My health
5. Food :)
I tag Blian cop, Kortney, Jord, Amber, Melanie, and Jodi T
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Im so happy i have a blog to vent all my anger...boys don't have to plan anything, that should be changed and soon!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Christmas, Wedding, and New Years!
Last but not least we did have our annual new years eve party at the Stephens household which was amazingly fun as usual! Of course as usual girls kicked trash in the games...don't whine boys you know we won! Also i would have to say im the best catch phraser on this planet :) Also if you watched Robbie Maddson (spell check i have no idea if thats his name or not?) jump onto that building you can see him when he gets to the top of the building say "Camie that was for YOU"! Now i know he had a helmet on but you just have to look really closely and you'll know what he said was for me :)! Well here is some snap shots of the wonderful evening!
SIDENOTE: I just realized one of the songs on my blog was saying some naughty words in it... Cloee updated my playlist for me and forgot to listen to the songs so im sorry for any of you that were offended by that, but know that it was a total accident and im sorry for your ears!! Forgive me!